View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * $Id:,v 1.7 2010/01/11 21:22:46 pah Exp $
3    * 
4    * Created on 27 Nov 2008 by Paul Harrison (
5    * Copyright 2008 Astrogrid. All rights reserved.
6    *
7    * This software is published under the terms of the Astrogrid 
8    * Software License, a copy of which has been included 
9    * with this distribution in the LICENSE.txt file.  
10   *
11   */
13  package no.uib.cipr.matrix;
15  import;
16  import java.util.Arrays;
17  import;
19  import org.astrogrid.matrix.Matrix;
20  import org.netlib.lapack.LAPACK;
21  import org.netlib.util.intW;
23  public class AGDenseMatrix extends DenseMatrix implements Matrix {
25      /**
26       * @param r
27       * @throws IOException
28       */
29      public AGDenseMatrix(final MatrixVectorReader r) throws IOException {
30          super(r);
32      }
34      /**
35       * @param x
36       */
37      public AGDenseMatrix(final Vector x) {
38          super(x);
40      }
42      /**
43       * @param values
44       */
45      public AGDenseMatrix(final double[][] values) {
46          super(values);
47      }
49      public AGDenseMatrix(){
50          this(new double[][]{{}});
51      }
53      /**
54       * @param numRows
55       * @param numColumns
56       */
57      public AGDenseMatrix(final int numRows, final int numColumns) {
58          super(numRows, numColumns);
59      }
61      /**
62       * @param A
63       * @param deep
64       */
65      public AGDenseMatrix(final Matrix A, final boolean deep) {
66          super(A, deep);
67          data = null;
68      }
70      public static AGDenseMatrix repeatColumn(final Vector v, final int n) {
71          if (v instanceof DenseVector) {
72              final DenseVector dv = (DenseVector) v;
75          final AGDenseMatrix retval = new AGDenseMatrix(v.size(),n);
76          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
77              System.arraycopy(dv.getData(), 0,, i*retval.numRows, retval.numRows);
78          }
79          return retval;
80         } else {
81              throw new UnsupportedOperationException("this method only works with DenseVectors at the moment");
82              //TODO implement a generic slow version.
83          }
84       }
86      public static AGDenseMatrix repeatRow(final Vector v, final int n){
87          final AGDenseMatrix retval = new AGDenseMatrix(n, v.size());
88          for (MatrixEntry e : retval) {
89              e.set(v.get(e.column()));
90          }
91          return retval;
92      }
94      /**
95       * @param A
96       */
97      public AGDenseMatrix(final no.uib.cipr.matrix.Matrix A) {
98          super(A);
99      }
101     /**
102      * Create a new matrix by tiling a vector. The vector is assumed to be copied columnwise.
103      * @param v
104      * @param ni
105      * @param nj
106      */
107     public AGDenseMatrix(final Vector v, final int ni, final int nj) {
108         super(v.size()*ni, nj);
109         // copy in the initial data
110         int i = 0;
111         for (VectorEntry vectorEntry : v) {
112   [i++] = vectorEntry.get();
113         }
114         // then replicate elsewhere using fast array copy.
115         final int size = v.size();
116         for (i = 1; i < ni * nj ; i++){
117             System.arraycopy(data, 0, data, i*size, size);
118         }
119     }
121     /**
122      * Create a new matrix by tiling the input matrix.
123      * @param m
124      * @param ni
125      * @param nj
126      */
127     public AGDenseMatrix(final Matrix m, final int ni, final int nj) {
128         super(m.numRows()* ni, m.numColumns()*nj);
129         // firstly copy into the top left corner
130         for (MatrixEntry me : m) {
131             this.set(me.row(), me.column(), me.get());
132         }
133         //then tile the columns downwards
135         for(int j = 0; j < m.numColumns(); j++){
136             for (int i = 1; i < ni; i++) {
137                 final int src = j*m.numRows()*ni;
138                 System.arraycopy(data, src, data, src + i * m.numRows(), m.numRows());
139             }
140         }
141         // then copy sideways;
142         final int blocksize = m.numRows()*ni*m.numColumns();
143         for (int j=1; j < nj; j++){
144             System.arraycopy(data, 0, data, j*blocksize, blocksize);
145         }
146     }
148     /**
149      * Creates new matrix from existing array. Note that the array is simply used as internal storage
150      * @param numRows
151      * @param numColumns
152      * @param indata
153      */
154     public AGDenseMatrix(int numRows, int numColumns, double[] indata) {
155         super(numRows, numColumns); //IMPL would have been nice to avoid the array creation
156         if (numColumns* numRows != indata.length) {
157             throw new IllegalArgumentException("datasize not equal to numrows*numcolumns"); //IMPL assert better?
158         }
159 = indata;
160     }
162     public Matrix slice(final int rowstart, final int rowend, final int colstart, final int colend) {
163         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
164         throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
165                 "Matrix.slice() not implemented");
166     }
168     /**
169      * Return a single column or row of the matrix
170      * 
171      * @param idx
172      *            the 0 based index of the row or column to return;
173      * @param dorow
174      *            if true return a row - if false return a column.
175      * @return
176      */
177     public Vector slicev(final int idx, final boolean dorow) {
178         if (dorow) {
179             if (idx < numRows) {
180                 final Vector retval = new DenseVector(numColumns);
181                 for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) {
182                     retval.set(j, this.get(idx, j));
183                 }
184                 return retval;
185             } else {
186                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("row index " + idx
187                         + " greater than " + numRows);
188             }
189         } else {
190             if (idx < numColumns) {
191                 final double[] vals = new double[numRows];
192                 System.arraycopy(data, idx * numRows, vals, 0, numRows);
193                 final Vector retval = new DenseVector(vals, false);
194                 return retval;
195             } else {
196                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("column index" + idx
197                         + "greater than " + numColumns);
198             }
200         }
201     }
203     public Matrix slicem(final int idx, final boolean dorow) {
204         if (dorow) {
205             if (idx < numRows) {
206                 final Matrix retval = new AGDenseMatrix(1,numColumns);
207                 for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) {
208                     retval.set(0, j, this.get(idx, j));
209                 }
210                 return retval;
211             } else {
212                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("row index " + idx
213                         + " greater than " + numRows);
214             }
215         } else {
216             if (idx < numColumns) {
217                 final double[][] vals = new double[numRows][1];
218                 System.arraycopy(data, idx * numRows, vals, 0, numRows);
219                 final Matrix retval = new AGDenseMatrix(vals);
220                 return retval;
221             } else {
222                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("column index" + idx
223                         + "greater than " + numColumns);
224             }
226         }
227     }
231     public Vector sum(final int dim) {
232         Vector answ;
233         switch (dim) {
234         case 1:
235             final double[] colsum = new double[this.numColumns()];
236             for (MatrixEntry e : this) {
237                 colsum[e.column()] += e.get();
238             }
239             answ = new DenseVector(colsum,false);
240             break;
241         case 2:
242             final double[] rowsum = new double[this.numRows()];
243             for (MatrixEntry e : this) {
244                 rowsum[e.row()] += e.get();
245             }
246             answ = new DenseVector(rowsum, false);
247             break;
248         default:
250             throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
251                     "Matrix.sum() not implemented for higher dimensions");
253         }
255         return answ;
256     }
258     /**
259      * Return a square identity matrix.
260      * 
261      * @param ncentres
262      * @return
263      */
264     public static Matrix identity(final int ncentres) {
265         final Matrix retval = new AGDenseMatrix(ncentres, ncentres);
266         for (int i = 0; i < ncentres; i++) {
267             retval.set(i, i, 1.0);
268         }
269         return retval;
270     }
272     public Matrix pow(final double i) {
274         final Matrix retval = new AGDenseMatrix(this.numRows, this.numColumns);
275         for (MatrixEntry e : this) {
276             retval.set(e.row(), e.column(), Math.pow(e.get(), i));
277         }
278         return retval;
279     }
281     public Matrix sliceCol(final int colstart, final int ncols) {
282        final AGDenseMatrix retval = new AGDenseMatrix(this.numRows, ncols);
283        System.arraycopy(, colstart*this.numRows,, 0, ncols*this.numRows);
285        return retval;
286     }
287     public Vector sliceCol(final int colstart) {
289         final double vals[] = new double[this.numRows];
290         System.arraycopy(, colstart*this.numRows, vals, 0, this.numRows);
292         return new DenseVector(vals);
293      }
295     public Matrix ones() {
296        Arrays.fill(data, 1.0);
297        return this;
298     }
300     public AGDenseMatrix reshape(final int irow, final int icol) {
301         if(this.numColumns !=0 && this.numRows !=0){
302         if(irow*icol != data.length){
303             throw new IllegalArgumentException("new total size of matrix is different");
304         }
305         else {
306             numColumns = icol;
307             numRows = irow;
308             //do not need to move the data around.
309         }
310         }
311         return this;
312      }
314     public DenseVector asVector() {
315        return this.asVector(0,data.length - 1);
316     }
318     public DenseVector asVector(int istart, int iend) {
320         if( istart < 0){
321            istart = 0; 
322         }
323         int ncopy;
324         if( iend <=0 || iend >= data.length){
325             iend = data.length -1;
326         }
327         ncopy = iend - istart + 1;
328         final double[] vecarray = new double[ncopy];
329         System.arraycopy(data, istart, vecarray, 0, ncopy);
330         return new DenseVector(vecarray, false);
333     }
334     public Vector asVector(int istart) {
335         return this.asVector(istart, data.length -1);
336     }
339     /**
340      * Return the determinant. This is done by using the LU factorization. 
341      * @TODO Perhaps could be just directly calculated.
342      * @see org.astrogrid.matrix.Matrix#det()
343      */
344     public double det() {
345         if(!isSquare()){
346             throw new IllegalArgumentException("matrix must be square for determinant");
347         }
348         double det;
349         final int[] piv = new int[numRows];
350         final double[] indata = new double[data.length];
351         System.arraycopy(data, 0, indata, 0, data.length);
352         final intW info = new intW(0);
353         LAPACK.getInstance().dgetrf(numRows, numColumns, indata, Matrices.ld(numColumns), piv, info);
355         if (info.val > 0)
356             throw new MatrixSingularException();
357         else if (info.val < 0)
358             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
359         det = 1;
360          for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
361              if(i+1 == piv[i]){
362              det *= indata[i + i*numColumns];   
363              } else
364              {
365                  det *= -indata[i + i*numColumns];
366              }
367         }
368         return det;
370     }
372     public double trace() {
373         if (isSquare()) {
374             double retval = 0;
375             for(int i = 0 ; i < numColumns; i++){
376                 retval += this.get(i, i);
378             }
379             return retval;
380         } else {
383         throw new  UnsupportedOperationException("Matrix.trace() not only for square matrices");
384         }
385     }
387     public Matrix inv() {
388         if(!isSquare()){
389             throw new IllegalArgumentException("matrix must be square for inversion");
390         }
391         final int[] piv = new int[numRows];
392         final double[] indata = new double[data.length];
393         System.arraycopy(data, 0, indata, 0, data.length);
394         final intW info = new intW(0);
395         LAPACK.getInstance().dgetrf(numRows, numColumns, indata, Matrices.ld(numColumns), piv, info);
397         if (info.val > 0)
398             throw new MatrixSingularException();
399         else if (info.val < 0)
400             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
402         int nb = LAPACK.getInstance().ilaenv( 1, "DGETRI", " ", numRows, -1, -1, -1);
403         double[] work = new double[nb*numRows];
404         LAPACK.getInstance().dgetri(numRows, indata, numRows, piv, work, nb*numRows, info);
405         if (info.val > 0)
406             throw new MatrixSingularException();
407         else if (info.val < 0)
408             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
411         return new AGDenseMatrix(numRows, numColumns, indata);
413         //IMPL could do more simply with - need to test speed to see which is better...
414         //DenseMatrix A = ...
415         //DenseMatrix I = Matrices.identity(n);
416         //DenseMatrix AI = I.copy();
417         //A.solve(I, AI);
419     }
421     /**
422      * C= A/B where the division is elementwise.
423      * @param b
424      * @param c
425      * @return
426      */
427     public Matrix divide(final Matrix b, final Matrix c) {
428         checkSize(b);
429         checkSize(c);
430         for (MatrixEntry me : c) {
431             final int row = me.row(), col = me.column();
432             me.set(this.get(row, col) / b.get(row, col));
433         }
434         return c;
435     }
437     /**
438      * returns a row as a vector.
439      * matlab syntax mat(idx, :)
440      * @see org.astrogrid.matrix.Matrix#sliceRow(int)
441      */
442     public Vector sliceRow(final int idx) {
443         return this.slicev(idx, true);
444     }
446     public Matrix add(double a) {
447         for (MatrixEntry me : this) {
448             me.set(me.get()+a);
449         }
450         return this;
451     }
452     /**
453      * returns a row as a matrix.
454      * matlab syntax mat(idx, :)
455      * @see org.astrogrid.matrix.Matrix#sliceRowM(int)
456      */
457    public Matrix sliceRowM(int k) {
458        return slicem(k, true);                  
459     }
462     public int insert(DenseMatrix m){
463         return insert(m,0);
464     }
467     public int insert(DenseMatrix m, int position){
468         if(m.numRows * m.numColumns + position > this.numRows*this.numColumns)
469         {
470             throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot insert m - too big");
471         }
472         else {
473             System.arraycopy(, 0,, position, m.numColumns*m.numRows);
474             return position + m.numRows*m.numColumns;
475         }
476     }
477     public int insert(DenseVector vector, int inpos) {
478         if (vector.size + inpos > this.numColumns*this.numRows) {
479             throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot insert m - too big");
480         } else {
481             System.arraycopy(vector.getData(), 0,, inpos, vector.size);
482             return inpos + vector.size;
483         }
485     }
487     public AGDenseMatrix append(Matrix mm) {
489         AGDenseMatrix m = (AGDenseMatrix) mm; //IMPL dangerous cast if used outside this application.
490         if(numColumns != 0 && numColumns != m.numColumns){
491           throw new IllegalArgumentException("appended matrix must have same number of columns")  ;
492         } 
493         else {
494         double arr[] = new double[numColumns*numRows + m.numColumns* m.numRows];
495         System.arraycopy(data, 0, arr, 0, numColumns*numRows);
496         System.arraycopy(, 0, arr, numRows*numColumns, m.numColumns*m.numRows);
497         numRows += m.numRows;
498         data = arr;
499         }
500         return this;
501     }
503     public double asScalar() {
505         if(numColumns == 1 && numRows == 1)
506         {
507             return data[0];
508         }
509         else {
510             throw new IllegalStateException("cannot take scalar unless matix is 1x1");
511         }
513     }
515     public AGDenseMatrix append(Vector mm) {
516         DenseVector m = (DenseVector) mm; //IMPL dangerous cast
517         if(!(numColumns == 1 || numColumns == 0) ){
518             throw new IllegalArgumentException("matrix must have 1 (or 0) column")  ;
519         } else  {
520             double arr[] = new double[numRows + m.size()];
521             System.arraycopy(data, 0, arr, 0, numRows);
522             System.arraycopy(m.getData(), 0, arr, numRows*numColumns, m.size());
523             numRows += m.size();
524             if(numColumns == 0) numColumns = 1; //just in case the initial matrix was empty.
525             data = arr;
527         }
528         return this;
529     }
530     public void appendCol(AGDenseMatrix r) {
531         if (r.numRows() != numRows) {
532             throw new IllegalArgumentException("matrices must have same number of rows")  ;
533         } else {
534             double arr[] = new double[numRows*(numColumns+r.numColumns())];
535             System.arraycopy(data, 0, arr, 0, numColumns* numRows);
536             System.arraycopy(, 0, arr, numRows*numColumns, r.numColumns()*r.numRows());
537             numColumns += r.numColumns();
538             data = arr;
539         }
542     }
545     public Matrix setColumn(int idx, Vector v) {
546         this.setColumn(idx, new AGDenseMatrix(v));
547         return this;
548     }
550     public Matrix setColumn(int idx, Matrix v) {
551         if(v.numColumns() != 1) {
552             throw new IllegalArgumentException("setting matrix must have 1 column");
553         } else {
554             if(v.numRows() != numRows){
555                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("setting matrix must have same number of rows");
556             }
557             else {
558                 for (int i = 0; i < v.numRows(); i++) {
559                     this.set(i, idx, v.get(i, 0));
560                 }
561             }
562         }
563         return this;
564     }
566     public AGDenseMatrix append(double d) {
567         if(!(numColumns == 1 || numColumns == 0)){
568             throw new IllegalArgumentException("matrix must have 1 column")  ;
569         } else  {
570             double arr[] = new double[numRows + 1];
571             System.arraycopy(data, 0, arr, 0, numRows);
572             arr[numRows] = d;
573             numRows += 1;
574             numColumns = 1;
575             data = arr;
577         }
578         return this;
579     }
581     public Matrix setRow(int k, Matrix m) {
583         if (m.numRows() == 1 && m.numColumns() == numColumns) {
584             for (int i = 0; i < m.numColumns(); i++) {
585                 this.set(k, i, m.get(0, i));
587             }
588         } else {
589             throw new IllegalArgumentException("The setting matrix is not of the correct dimensions");
590         }
591         return this;
592      }
594     public Matrix setRow(int k, Vector v) {
595         if (v.size() == numColumns) {
596           for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
597             this.set(k, i, v.get(i));
598         }   
599         } else {
600             throw new IllegalArgumentException("The setting matrix is not of the correct dimensions");
601         }
602        return this;
603     }
606     public AGDenseMatrix selectCols(int cols[], int ncols){
607     	AGDenseMatrix retval = null;
608     	if (ncols <= cols.length && ncols <= numColumns) {
609 			retval = new AGDenseMatrix(this.numRows, ncols);
610 			for (int i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
611 				int icol = cols[i];
612 				System.arraycopy(, icol*this.numRows,, i*this.numRows, this.numRows);
613 			}
614 		} else {
615            throw new IllegalArgumentException("To many columns specified");
616 		}
617 		return retval;
620     }
622     public Matrix delCol(int k) {
623         if(k >= numColumns || k < 0){
624             throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal column number");
626         }
627         if (k < numColumns -1){
628             System.arraycopy(data, (k+1)*numRows, data, k*numRows, (numColumns-k-1)*numRows);//IMPL perhaps should copy into fresh array rather than reuse....
629         }
630         numColumns--;
631         return this;
633     }
635     public Matrix delRow(int del) {
637         double[] newarr = new double[(numRows -1)*
638                                      numColumns];
639         int isrc, idest, i = 0, niter;
640         if(del == 0){
641             isrc = 1;
642             idest = 0;
643             niter = numColumns;
644         } else
645         {
646             System.arraycopy(data, 0, newarr, 0, del);
647             isrc = del +1;
648             idest = del;
649             niter = numColumns -1;
651         }
652         while ( i < niter)
653         {
654             System.arraycopy(data, isrc, newarr, idest, numRows -1);
655             isrc += numRows;
656             idest += numRows -1;
657             ++i;
658         }
660         if(del != 0){
661             //copy last bit
662             System.arraycopy(data, isrc, newarr, idest, numRows -1 - del);
663         }
664         data = newarr;
665         numRows--;
666         return this;
667     }
671 }
673 /*
674  * $Log:,v $
675  * Revision 1.7  2010/01/11 21:22:46  pah
676  * reasonable numerical stability and fidelity to MATLAB results achieved
677  *
678  * Revision 1.6  2010/01/05 21:27:13  pah
679  * basic clustering translation complete
680  *
681  * Revision 1.5  2009/09/22 07:04:16  pah
682  * daily checkin
683  *
684  * Revision 1.4  2009/09/20 17:18:01  pah
685  * checking just prior to bham visit
686  *
687  * Revision 1.3  2009/09/14 19:08:43  pah
688  * code runs clustering, but not giving same results as matlab exactly
689  *
690  * Revision 1.2  2009/09/08 19:24:02  pah
691  * further slicing possibilites
692  *
693  * Revision 1.1  2009/09/07 16:06:12  pah
694  * initial transcription of the core
695  *
696  */