Uses of Interface

Packages that use Matrix

Uses of Matrix in no.uib.cipr.matrix

Methods in no.uib.cipr.matrix that return Matrix
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.add(double a)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.delCol(int k)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.delRow(int del)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.divide(Matrix b, Matrix c)
          C= A/B where the division is elementwise.
static Matrix AGDenseMatrix.identity(int ncentres)
          Return a square identity matrix.
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.inv()
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.ones()
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.pow(double i)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.setColumn(int idx, Matrix v)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.setColumn(int idx, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector v)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.setRow(int k, Matrix m)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.setRow(int k, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector v)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.slice(int rowstart, int rowend, int colstart, int colend)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.sliceCol(int colstart, int ncols)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.slicem(int idx, boolean dorow)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.sliceRowM(int k)
          returns a row as a matrix.

Methods in no.uib.cipr.matrix with parameters of type Matrix
 AGDenseMatrix AGDenseMatrix.append(Matrix mm)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.divide(Matrix b, Matrix c)
          C= A/B where the division is elementwise.
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.setColumn(int idx, Matrix v)
 Matrix AGDenseMatrix.setRow(int k, Matrix m)

Constructors in no.uib.cipr.matrix with parameters of type Matrix
AGDenseMatrix(Matrix A, boolean deep)
AGDenseMatrix(Matrix m, int ni, int nj)
          Create a new matrix by tiling the input matrix.

Uses of Matrix in org.astrogrid.cluster.cluster

Fields in org.astrogrid.cluster.cluster declared as Matrix
 Matrix Clustering.ClusteringResults.cov
 Matrix Clustering.ClusteringResults.lcov
 Matrix Clustering.ClusteringResults.lmu
 Matrix Clustering.ClusteringResults.R

Methods in org.astrogrid.cluster.cluster with parameters of type Matrix
static double ClusterBoundFull.cluster_bound_full(Matrix data, Matrix datatype, int K, AGDenseMatrix mu, AGDenseMatrix cv, AGDenseMatrix lmu, AGDenseMatrix lcv, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector p, AGDenseMatrix output, AGDenseMatrix latent, AGDenseMatrix ab, AGDenseMatrix q, CovarianceKind cv_type)
static ClusterErr.ClusterErrResult ClusterErr.cluster_err(Matrix alldata, Matrix datatype, int K, int niters, double tol, CovarianceKind cv_type)
static double ClusterBound.clustering_bound(Matrix alldata, Matrix datatype, int K, AGDenseMatrix mu, AGDenseMatrix cv, AGDenseMatrix lmu, AGDenseMatrix lcv, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector p, AGDenseMatrix q, CovarianceKind cv_type)
static ClusterEStepFull.Retval ClusterEStepFull.clustering_e_step_full(Matrix data, Matrix datatype, int K, Matrix latent, AGDenseMatrix ab, Matrix mu, Matrix cv, Matrix lmu, Matrix lcv, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector p, CovarianceKind cv_type)
static AGDenseMatrix ClusterEStep.clustering_e_step(Matrix data, Matrix datatype, int K, Matrix mu, Matrix cv, Matrix lmu, Matrix lcv, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector p, CovarianceKind cv_type)
 Clustering.ClusteringResults Clustering.clustering(boolean display, double tol, boolean mix_var, boolean err_dim, boolean outlier, boolean mml, int c_dim, int e_dim, int b_dim, int m_dim, int i_dim, int niters, double line_s, int mml_min, int mml_max, double mml_reg, CovarianceKind cv_type, Matrix data)
static Objective.result Objective.objectiveDiag(java.lang.Object cvk, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector q, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector mu, Matrix data_er, Matrix S)
static Objective.result Objective.objectiveFull(java.lang.Object cvkm, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector q, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector mu, Matrix data_er, Matrix S)
static Objective.result Objective.objectiveSpherical(java.lang.Object cvk, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector q, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector mu, Matrix data_er, Matrix S)

Constructors in org.astrogrid.cluster.cluster with parameters of type Matrix
Clustering.ClusteringResults(int nclass, Matrix R, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector bestpp, Matrix bestmu, Matrix bestcov, java.util.List<java.lang.Double> errlog)
          Constructor where there is full latent variables available.

Uses of Matrix in org.astrogrid.matrix

Methods in org.astrogrid.matrix that return Matrix
 Matrix Matrix.add(double a)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.add(double eps, Matrix q)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.add(Matrix q, double eps)
static Matrix Algorithms.centre_kmeans(Matrix data, int nclus, int ndim)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.cov(Matrix x)
          Forms the covariance matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.delCol(int k)
          Delete column k from the matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.delRow(int k)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.diag(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector v)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.dirichlet_sample(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector m, int j)
static Matrix Algorithms.dist2(Matrix x, Matrix c)
          %DIST2 Calculates squared distance between two sets of points.
static Matrix Algorithms.dist3_common(Matrix x, Matrix centres, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector covars)
static Matrix Algorithms.dist3_diag(Matrix x, Matrix centres, Matrix covars)
static Matrix Algorithms.dist3_free(Matrix x, Matrix centres, Matrix[] covars)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.divide(Matrix a, Matrix b)
          Elementwise divide of matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.divide(Matrix b, Matrix c)
          C= A/B where the division is elementwise.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.exp(Matrix m)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.eye(int ndim)
          produces square identity matrix.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.eye(int ndim, double val)
          produces square diagonal matrix using val.
 Matrix Matrix.inv()
          Computes the inverse of the matrix.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.inv(Matrix a)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.log(Matrix m)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.mult(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector a, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Matrix b)
          a*b - treating a as a column vector.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.multABAT(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Matrix a, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Matrix b)
          C = A*B*AT
static Matrix MatrixUtils.multATBA(no.uib.cipr.matrix.DenseVector v, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Matrix b)
          C = AT*B*A
 Matrix Matrix.ones()
static Matrix MatrixUtils.ones(int n)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.ones(int n, int m)
 Matrix Matrix.pow(double i)
          Return a matrix with elements raised to the power.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.pow(Matrix m, double exp)
          raise each member to the power.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.psi(Matrix m)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.rand(int i, int j)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.recip(double a, Matrix m)
          Form the elementwise a/mij.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.recip(Matrix m)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.repmat(Matrix v, int ni, int nj)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.repmat(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector v, int ni, int nj)
          Repeat a vector into a matrix treating the vector as a column vector.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.repmatt(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector v, int ni, int nj)
          Repeat a vector into a matrix treating the vector as a row vector.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.repmatv(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector v, int ni, int nj)
 Matrix Matrix.reshape(int irow, int icol)
          Reshapes the matrix to have the new size.
 Matrix Matrix.setColumn(int idx, Matrix v)
          Set a complete column in the matrix to the value given.
 Matrix Matrix.setColumn(int idx, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector v)
          Set a complete column in the matrix to the value given.
 Matrix Matrix.setRow(int k, Matrix m)
 Matrix Matrix.setRow(int k, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector v)
 Matrix Matrix.slice(int rowstart, int rowend, int colstart, int colend)
          Deprecated. too complex - use slicev(int, boolean) or sliceCol(int, int) instead.
 Matrix Matrix.sliceCol(int colstart, int ncols)
          Returns a new Matrix consisting of only the specified columns.
 Matrix Matrix.sliceRowM(int k)
          Returns a matrix consisting of only the row.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.sub(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Matrix a, double b)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.sub(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Matrix a, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Matrix b)
          R = A-B.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.sumsq(Matrix m)
          produces a matrix which is the sum of the squares of each row.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.times(double b, Matrix a)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.times(Matrix a, double b)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.times(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Matrix a, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Matrix b)
          Elementwise multiply of matrix.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.vprod(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector a)
          Forms the vector product of the two vectors -i.e.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.vprod(no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector a, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector b)
          Forms the vector product of the two vectors -i.e.

Methods in org.astrogrid.matrix with parameters of type Matrix
static Matrix MatrixUtils.add(double eps, Matrix q)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.add(Matrix q, double eps)
 AGDenseMatrix Matrix.append(Matrix m)
          Append the matrix as new rows onto the existing matrix.
static Matrix Algorithms.centre_kmeans(Matrix data, int nclus, int ndim)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.cov(Matrix x)
          Forms the covariance matrix.
static double MatrixUtils.det(Matrix m)
static Matrix Algorithms.dist2(Matrix x, Matrix c)
          %DIST2 Calculates squared distance between two sets of points.
static Matrix Algorithms.dist3_common(Matrix x, Matrix centres, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector covars)
static Matrix Algorithms.dist3_diag(Matrix x, Matrix centres, Matrix covars)
static Matrix Algorithms.dist3_free(Matrix x, Matrix centres, Matrix[] covars)
static Matrix Algorithms.dist3_free(Matrix x, Matrix centres, Matrix[] covars)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.divide(Matrix a, Matrix b)
          Elementwise divide of matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.divide(Matrix b, Matrix c)
          C= A/B where the division is elementwise.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.exp(Matrix m)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.inv(Matrix a)
static void Algorithms.kmeans(Matrix centres, Matrix data, int niters, double absprec, double errprec, boolean fromData, boolean verbose)
          Comment for kmeans %KMEANS Trains a k means cluster model.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.log(Matrix m)
static no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector MatrixUtils.max(Matrix im)
static no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector Algorithms.mean(Matrix m, int i)
static no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector Algorithms.multinorm(Matrix x, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector m, Matrix covar)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.pow(Matrix m, double exp)
          raise each member to the power.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.psi(Matrix m)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.recip(double a, Matrix m)
          Form the elementwise a/mij.
static Matrix MatrixUtils.recip(Matrix m)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.repmat(Matrix v, int ni, int nj)
static AGDenseMatrix MatrixUtils.reshape(Matrix m, int ni, int nj)
 Matrix Matrix.setColumn(int idx, Matrix v)
          Set a complete column in the matrix to the value given.
 Matrix Matrix.setRow(int k, Matrix m)
static no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector MatrixUtils.sum(Matrix m)
static no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector MatrixUtils.sum(Matrix x, int dim)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.sumsq(Matrix m)
          produces a matrix which is the sum of the squares of each row.
static no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector Algorithms.t_multinorm(Matrix x, no.uib.cipr.matrix.Vector m, Matrix covar, double v)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.times(double b, Matrix a)
static Matrix MatrixUtils.times(Matrix a, double b)
static double MatrixUtils.trace(Matrix m)

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